
TradesExpo - IUPAT District Council 38

FTI BC featured in JOY TV’s Fraser Focus Trades Expo 2019 Video

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JOY TV’s Fraser Focus was at Trades Expo 2019 at the Cloverdale Fairgrounds in Surrey, BC on October 23/24 and spoke with FTI BC about the finishing trades and our hands-on activities.   

Fraser Focus stated that the BC Construction Association have reported a large shortage of skilled tradespeople entering into the industry.  2/3 of the current workforce are over 45 and looking to retire.  When they do, they will take all of their knowledge and skills with them.  Seeing the need to foster and build a new workforce, Trades Expo was created. 

Trades Expo features highly skilled tradespeople who want to train youth, pass on their knowledge, and encourage trades as a career path.  The youth love the practical, hands-on demonstrations and the opportunity to try-out several trades options in one space.  Our Virtual Reality Painting Simulator, Virtual Reality Boom Lift Simulator, and Glazing Crane were popular and are featured in the video.  Please take a minute to watch our FTI BC educators and reps in action!