SFU James Clark
One award yearly, granted in any term.
The James Clark Scholarship is the result of collaboration between DC38 and former BC Premier, Glen Clark, and is offered in the name of Glen’s father, James, a long-time Officer of Painter’s Local 138.
This award is administered by SFU and is open to Union members and their direct families who are registered in the Labour Studies program.
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Sports Scholarship
‘Mike’ Monroe/Ralph D. Williams Sports Scholarship
$5,000 Annually (1 award for Canada)
Application deadline is May 29th.
This scholarship was created by the International Union, IUPAT, to offer student athletes the opportunity to pursue their athletic ambitions while earning an advanced educational degree at the academic institution of their choosing.
This award is administered by the International Union office, and is open to IUPAT members and their direct dependents.
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S. Frank “Bud” Raftery
$2,000 Annually (10 awards of $2,000 each for North America)
Application deadline is May 29th.
The scholarship was created by the International Union, IUPAT, to honor S. Frank “Bud” Raftery’s service to the International Union all his adult life, and his accomplishments and progressive thinking.
This award is administered by the International Union office, and is open to IUPAT members and their direct dependents.
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