Members in good standing with IUPAT DC38 may be eligible for coverage in a comprehensive health and welfare package..f

For a detailed outline of all covered services, please download the plan booklet.

Note: an updated version of the plan booklet is coming soon. Please see the “Plan Changes” section, below, for updates that aren’t included in the booklet.


June 1, 2021 – Counselling Benefit

Employee & Family Assistance Program (New effective June 1, 2021)

Administered by Pacific Blue Cross and delivered through Homewood Health, this program offers you and your families 24/7 counselling, coaching and support. (Additional information/communications will be forthcoming once the benefit has been fully implemented).

April 1, 2021 – Multiple Changes


The Plan will now pay the eligible limit for all composite (white) fillings for all teeth.

* Eligible limit is the maximum amount a covered individual can claim for specified benefits (subject to the reimbursement percentage and deductible of the plan).

Member Assistance (Psychology) Benefit

Administration of this benefit has been moved to Pacific Blue Cross, giving you and your family access to their new online/virtual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programs.

These online CBT programs are delivered online or via an app on your smartphone or tablet, and you’ll receive one-on-one support from qualified mental health professionals as you work through the program.

To learn more sign-in to your Member Profile and click on the Health Tab > Practitioner Services > Counselling Services.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) – (New Benefit)
Continuous Glucose Monitor Equipment & Supplies – including transmitter(s), receiver, and sensors to a combined limit of $3,000 eligible amount* per person per calendar year.

* Eligible limit is the maximum amount a covered individual can claim for specified benefits (subject to the reimbursement percentage and deductible of the plan).

To learn more sign-in to your Member Profile and click on the Health Tab – Medical
Equipment & Supplies – Diabetic & Heart Patient Devices.

Vision Care
Coverage can now be used toward the cost of laser eye surgery. Benefit levels remain unchanged at:

  • Member – $475 per 24 month(s) from the service date of first eligible claim (Can include reimbursement for eye exam)
  • Registered Dependants – $300 per person per 24 month(s) from the service date of first eligible claim (excludes eye exams)

March 23, 2020 – STD Changes

Effective March 23, 2020, the weekly Short Term Disability (STD) benefit for eligible members has increased to $573/week from $500/week .

January 1, 2019 – Multiple Changes

Effective January 1, 2019, changes were made to the plan that affect Practitioner Services, Short Term Disability, and new Spousal Dependent coverage.

  1. Practitioner Services

Individual limits of 80% of $250.00 have been removed. Effective January 1, 2019, the following services will have a combined reimbursement limit of 80% of $1,250 giving members more access to their preferred method of treatment for managing their health and wellness.

    • acupuncturist
    • chiropractor
    • massage practitioner
    • naturopath
    • physiotherapist
    • podiatrist
    • speech therapist
  1. Short Term Disability

Effective January 1, 2019, benefits increased from $400 per week to $500 per week. Eligible members must:

    1. be covered on the Full Plan on the date of disability, and
    2. have had coverage with DC38 Health & Welfare Trust Fund for the 8 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of disability, whether covered on the Full Plan and/or the Partial Package and/or the Mini Plan, or any combination of the these Plans. There cannot be any breaks in coverage for the 8 months immediately preceding the date of disability.

Note: Members reimbursed for periods of disability from January 1, 2019 onward at the old rates will receive a retro-active top-up.

  1. Spousal Dependent

Means the person legally married to the Member or a person who has been residing with the Member in a common-law relationship for at least 1 year and who is publicly represented as the Member’s Spouse. Only one Spouse is eligible for coverage under the Contract at any one time.

Effective January 1, 2019, the 12 month waiting period from the removal date of one spouse to the addition of a different spouse will be applied regardless of whether the spouse and Member are legally married, or common-law.

If you are estranged (separated), divorced or no longer cohabitating with the person listed as a spouse on your coverage, you are required to contact this office at 604-524-8334 or 1-800-266-1527 to remove them from your coverage.



Extended Health & Dental Coverage (Pacific Blue Cross)

DC38’s Extended Health and Dental Care plans, administered through Pacific Blue Cross (PBC), cover a portion of eligible expenses for prescription medication, practitioner services, dental fees, etc.

NEW: Effective April 1, 2021, The counselling and psychology benefit is now covered through Pacific Blue Cross. Please submit your claims using the “Standard Health Claim Form” found below.

Pacific Blue Cross does not cover vision care or counselling expenses; these expenses are covered though DC38’s H&W office in Burnaby (see next section).

Plan Booklets (Pacific Blue Cross – Details of Coverage)

Forms (Pacific Blue Cross)

More information about Blue Cross, as well as its forms, can be found on its website.

Covered Practitioners

For a list of practitioners covered by the plan, please click here.

For a list of counsellors covered by the plan, please click here.

Vision Care & Counseling (DC 38)

NEW: Effective April 1, 2021, The counseling and psychology benefit is now covered through Pacific Blue Cross. Please submit your claims using the “Standard Health Claim Form” found in the “Extended Health and Dental Coverage” section above.

The DC38 H&W Plan processes Vision Care and Counselling services at the Burnaby office. For eligible members, the form must be filled out and returned with the original receipt(s) to the IUPAT DC38 Burnaby office by the deadline specified on the back of the form.


Vision Care: Fillable PDF or Standard Form

Medical Services Plan of BC (MSP)

The Medical Services Plan of BC (MSP) is now covered driectly through employer payroll and is no longer covered by DC38.

Fair PharmaCare Plan

Fair PharmaCare is a provincial income-based program, designed to provide fair access to coverage for prescription drugs. The plan works for both low income families (the lower your income, the more assistance the government will provide toward your eligible drug costs), and for those families who might not be considered low-income, but have high drug costs.

Even if you don’t fall into either of those categories, it’s still a good idea to register now in the event that your situation changes.

Please ensure you are registered in this plan.

Learn more about Fair PharmaCare on its website, or view this info sheet provided by Pacific Blue Cross.

Short Term Disability (BC Life)

To apply for Short Term Disability, complete the forms below and submit them to the IUPAT DC38 Burnaby office. Do not send your forms to BC Life directly as it will increase processing time.

More information about BC Life (Pacific Blue Cross), as well as its forms, can be found on its website.

Out-of-Province (Travel) Medical Expenses


  • Pacific Blue Cross Travel Plans: Members are eligible for a 10% discount on Pacific Blue Cross travel plans. Find out more.
    • DC38 highly recommends that you purchase supplemental Health Benefits before you travel abroad, even if you have supplemental insurance with another provider (BCAA, Credit Card, etc.). Contact us for more information.

Mental Health and Addiction Assistance

DC 38 offers a wide range of services that assist those who are struggling with their mental health or addictions.  For more information on each of the services please click here.




SFU James Clark

$2,500 Annually

The James Clark Scholarship is the result of collaboration between DC38 and former BC Premier, Glen Clark, and is offered in the name of Glen’s father, James, a long-time Officer of Painter’s Local 138.

This award is administered by SFU and is open to Union members and their direct families.

More Information

James Clark Scholarship Terms (Scroll half way down the page)

Sports Scholarship

‘Mike’ Monroe/Ralph D. Williams Sports Scholarship

$5,000 Annually (1 award for North America)

This scholarship was created by the International Union, IUPAT, to offer student athletes the opportunity to pursue their athletic ambitions while earning an advanced educational degree at the academic institution of their choosing.

This award is administered by the International Union office, and is open to IUPAT members and their direct dependents.

More Information

Munroe Scholarship Information

S. Frank “Bud” Raftery

$2,000 Annually (10 awards of $2,000 each for North America)

The scholarship was created by the International Union, IUPAT, to honor S. Frank “Bud” Raftery’s service to the International Union all his adult life, and his accomplishments and progressive thinking.

This award is administered by the International Union office, and is open to IUPAT members and their direct dependents.

More Information

Raftery Scholarship Information

Health & Safety Training

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The Finishing Trades Institute of British Columbia (FTIBC) administers the Safety Passport Program for IUPAT DC38 members. The FTIBC offers safety training courses throughout the year in the evenings and on weekends.

In order to improve the delivery of safety courses to members, the FTIBC now has an online registration system that allows members to register for courses that fulfill their safety passport requirements.

Members can register when it is convenient for them 24/7 from any computer or mobile device. Just log on as a Member and select the Register for a Safety Course button to see a list of courses currently offered. When you enroll, you will receive an automated confirmation of your registration and will be sent a reminder 72 hours before the commencement of your course.

If you have any questions regarding Health & Safety training, please send us an e-mail to [email protected]

